NuPrime Audio AMG STA-SE Review
10 juli 2024
With the AMG STA-SE, NuPrime has successfully combined the characteristics of two of their different product lines. It has the full-blooded tonality, body, and robustness of the ST-10 and Evolution STA, as well as the fluidity, refinement, and flow of the original AMG STA. Uniquely, for a Class-D design, it delivers control and musicality in equal measure.
The AMG STA-SE may no longer be the absolute bargain it was in 2020, but I still do not know any other amplifier under 5000 euros that equals it, let alone one that comes close at the same price point.
I realize one cannot hand out rewards for every product, and I’ve already handed out quite a few for NuPrime. But once again, this amplifier ticks so many boxes in such a neat and small package and at such a friendly price point that I have no choice but to hand out another. The AMG STA-SE is wholeheartedly recommended.
Lees meer via de onderstaande link.
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